Have you ever forgotten important dates and upset your family? No more need to memorize the birthday of your second cousin or wedding anniversary of your friends - simply create a holiday calendar with all the big days highlighted! With the latest version of Photo Calendar Creator, you'll be able to mark national holidays of your country, create an extensive list of your personal events, add and store photos for calendar cells right in the holiday database.
This helpful holiday calendar creator is perfect for keeping the track of birthdays, anniversaries, and other important family dates. Besides state and religious holidays for dozens of countries, this picture calendar maker will also store your personal database. Your big days will be automatically added to the chosen calendar template, and the software will count how old your birthday boy or girl is turning this year.
With a holiday calendar at your hand, you'll never miss an opportunity to celebrate. Choose any design to your liking - wall poster, desk, booklet, spiral-bound, etc. - and use this calendar for recording B-days, daily temps and other vitals. Take a look at the examples below and get inspired to create your own.